Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bibliography for Ethics and Mathematics

Introductory textbooks:

“Thinking about Mathematics” by Stewart Shapiro
“An Introduction to Contemporary Metaethics” by Andrew Miller


“Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected readings” edited by Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam
“Essays on Moral Realism” edited by Geoffrey Sayre-McCord

Articles and books:


“Philosophy of Logic” by Hilary Putnam
“Realsim, Mathematics and Modality” by Hartry Field
“Mathematics in Philosophy” by Charles Parsons
"The Indispensability of Mathematics" by Mark Colyvan

“Essays in Quasi-Realism” by Simon Blackburn
“Moral Realism and the Argument from Disagreement” by D. Loeb
"How to be a moral realist" by Richard Boyd
"The Nature of Morality" by Gilbert Harman, especially the first two chapters.

Ethics and Math

"Ethics, Mathematics and Relativism" by Jonathan Lear
The work of Justin Clarke-Doane
"What We Owe to Each Other" (first chapter, scattered)
"An Outline of an argument for Robust Metanormative Realism" by David Enoch (though it provides an indispensability argument, the discussion is largely divorced from mathematical concerns)

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