Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ideas that haven't really fit into this story yet

1. So far I haven't fit in the idea that epistemology governs actions as well as beliefs into this story.

2. There are other important differences between ethics and epistemology. A maximizing rationality seems wildly implausible in one, and not so wild in the other. One is focused on theory more than action.

3. A very different, longer project, would talk about the primacy of practical reason. Note that at the very beginning of our story about theoretical reason is a choice. Maybe it's not right to represent that as a choice, but then what can we say when there are two options and no norms pushing one way or the other? Ah, but there are norms, they're just not epistemic ones? Then what kind are they? If they're practical norms or considerations of some other kind, then standing above objective, theoretical reasons are some other sort of reasons. Isn't that strange.

4. Korsgaard has her own arguments against moral realism that I haven't read yet.

5. Maybe belief really is just action. Haven't read Stalnaker yet. But that would just mean that there's nothing weird about practical reaosn in the first plac,e no? ANyway, havne't read it yet.


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